Poultry Analysis 16 April 2024
It started with chickens…. Avian Influenza (AI) in its various permutations has now jumped the species barrier.
It started with chickens…. Avian Influenza (AI) in its various permutations has now jumped the species barrier.
The ever-helpful XA Trade Advisory has published a list of goods that will have tariff adjustments under the new African
Despite SAPA’s shrill voice in the press, there is no ‘battle’ over chicken imports, nor ‘rising tensions’…..
SAPA has predictably forecast apocalyptic consequences to the poultry industry due to the introduction of import tariff rebates.
ChickenFacts is a fact-checking portal for the poultry industry and all its related facets, as well as a curator of information.
The poultry sector is the second-largest agricultural sub-sector contributing to the economy.