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About Us

ChickenFacts was created in 2020 as a countermeasure to misinformation in the South African poultry industry and its related value chain.  It is a fact-checking portal and a news curation service. 

The ChickenFacts team comprises a group of experienced journalists, social media experts and researchers who have been trained in fact-checking techniques by AfricaCheck.  

As a sub-brand of AMIE (The Association of Meat Importers and Exporters),

ChickenFacts aims to introduce a range of new and diverse voices to the debates and discussions concerning the industry, which is a crucial contributor to South Africa’s food security and agricultural sector.  It is a champion of fair business practice, transformation and sustainable economic growth.

The poultry sector is the second-largest agricultural sub-sector contributing to the economy.  It is worth approximately R60 billion a year, makes up almost 17% of the total agricultural sector, and almost 40% of the animal husbandry sector.

It comprises a complex and wide-ranging set of stakeholders, from the farmer to the retailer and the restaurant, including freight, storage, processing and policy.

At ChickenFacts, we bring you the information required to empower the industry and inform the consumer.

For more information, please contact us via email.

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