Letter from the Editor

The Department of Trade, Industry and Competition is hiring! The ministerial vacancy awaits a new applicant. This portfolio, which is tasked with a number of extremely important goals, has largely had a patchy success rate. While not all of the problems can be laid at the door of outgoing minister Ebrahim Patel, it is true that under his watch unemployment has increased, South Africa has undergone substantial de-industrialisation, and economic growth has stagnated.

Our podcast this week, therefore, talks to economics professor at UCT, Lawrence Edwards, to pick out some of the priorities for the incoming minister.

Business-wise, shifts are seismic. Rainbow Chickens is unbundling from RCL and Oceana is about to enter the chicken-canning business. This last item is a very interesting development: a few weeks ago we featured an Insider Perspective that bewailed the fact that product innovation was in very short supply in South Africa - 'Where are the new chicken products?' it asked.

A few weeks later we reported that tinned fish was overtaking chicken as an affordable protein... and how the two stories have conflated and we have a tinned-fish company going into... chicken canning! We will be keeping a close eye on these developments to see how they affect food inflation and food security.

An important fact to keep in mind is that imports and exports are sides of the same coin. It has been proven that flourishing trade relations supports economic growth, sustainable industry and food security. Watch this space on more investigations regarding South Africa’s trade representation in other countries.

And speaking of seismic shifts, our initial engagements with emerging entrepreneurs in the poultry industry has shown the need for an accurate and up-to-date mapping process. In short, we need to know who is doing what, and where. We therefore appeal to everyone in the poultry value chain to join us in this project - please send an e-mail to The Editor for more information.

This is an ongoing project, so we will keep you updated.

Poultry Analysis - 11 June 2024

Rainbow Chickens spreads its wings, AI is here to stay, and there is a fabulous opportunity for fly farmers. 

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Poultry Analysis - 11 June 2024

A Closer Look - Imports

Poultry imports serve as a vital component in securing access to high-quality, affordable protein for South African consumers and ensuring the nation's food security

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A Closer Look - Imports
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