Letter from the Editor

The South African poultry industry is in a state of disarray at the moment.. which is not always a bad thing. While producers were still recovering from loadshedding and avian flu, the announcement of the Market Inquiry and the Tariff Rebate brought their fair share of discussion and controversy.

It is still early days for the Market Inquiry, which is why we put together an Explainer to unpack the possible implications and outcomes. As far as the Tariff Rebate is concerned, ITAC has made it clear it is a veterinary intervention and not a trade issue, so that is also a fluid situation.

Our transformation theme continues with an interview featuring Flo Mosoane, the founder of EasyChicken, an agri-tech start-up that intends to change the way small and emerging farmers operate.

This fits in with the general trend of bottom-up change that is affecting the entire poultry value chain. Flo's interview should be listened to in conjunction with the interviews with Carla Kote and Kobedi Pilane..... all three leaders of 'agri-innovation'.

Our other features are our regular Poultry Analysis, an updated Food Basket Barometer, and our Closer Look.

Poultry Analysis 19 March 2024

SAPA  has predictably forecast apocalyptic consequences to the poultry industry due to the introduction of import tariff rebates.

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Poultry Analysis 19 March 2024

Explainer - Market Inquiry

Competition Commission Market Enquiry in the Poultry Value Chain – an Explainer.
ChickenFacts speaks to market analysts about the implications.

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Explainer - Market Inquiry

Poultry Imports

This Fact Sheet shows statistics for import tariffs for the last six years, broken down per category, for fact-checking purposes. To see the Fact Sheet, either click on the image below or go to Read More

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To read any of our previous Fact Sheets, our Avian Flu Barometer, or any other content, please visit our website. If you wish to subscribe to this newsletter, click here.
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